this one is dedicated to Urbanspoon and what they can go do with themselves...
below is the most recent and most likely the last feedback email i'll send Urbanspoon and their cast of nincompoops. mainly to throw their absurd disdain for the English language back into their faces:
you recently deleted my account - about which i could care less. but i just wanted you folks to know that what you consider offensive - fuck and shit - is no longer considered to be so offensive. for example:
"In 1928, D. H. Lawrence's novel Lady Chatterley's Lover gained notoriety for its frequent use of the words fuck, fucked, and fucking."
---- i bet you i can still find DH Lawrence books on the shelf at any bookstore - is classic literature written by some of the greatest authors every offensive? apparently not. as a matter of face, DH Lawrence wrote a short book called St. Mawr where a woman actually fantasizes about the lustful feelings she has for a horse - a horse so beautiful, graceful, and strong that these feelings are invoked within her. go read more.
"Perhaps the earliest usage of the word in popular music was the 1938 Eddy Duchin release of the Louis Armstrong song "Ol' Man Mose". The words created a scandal at the time, resulting in sales of 170,000 copies during the Great Depression years when sales of 20,000 were considered blockbuster. The verse reads:
(We believe) He kicked the bucket,
(We believe) Yeah man, buck-buck-bucket,
(We believe) He kicked the bucket and ol' man mose is dead,
(We believe) Ahh, fuck it!
(We believe) Buck-buck-bucket,
(We believe) He kicked the bucket and ol' man mose is dead.
---- if you consider a Louis Armstrong song offensive, just consider what he went through to become what he was and is today. and you think he cared ONE BIT that using FUCK in his song was offensive????? by the way, people were offended by this in 1938. get with the fucking times.
"The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger featured an early use of fuck you in print. First published in the United States in 1951, the novel remains controversial to this day due to its use of the word, standing at number 13 for the most banned books from 1990–2000 according to the American Library Association. The book offers a blunt portrayal of the main character's reaction to the existence of the word, and all that it means."
---- this puts your website in the same category as book burning/banning assholes - people who don't only want to keep people from giving their unbridled reactions to the existence of the world and all that it means but also want to keep people from reading these things. if experiences in the world are not shared amongst the human race, how will i ever be able to find out a truly good place to eat when i go to denver next week when you censor or delete all of the raw, telling reviews???
One of the earliest mainstream Hollywood movies to use the word fuck was director Robert Altman's irreverent antiwar film, MASH, released in 1970 at the height of the Vietnam War. During the football game sequence about three-quarters of the way through the film, one of the MASH linemen says to an 8063rd offensive player, "All right, bud, your fuckin' head is coming right off."
---- classic movie that i bet you all watched at some point in your life (wait, i take that back. you bunch of lallygaggers probably think it's just a tv show...). did you turn it off or throw it away when you heard that line??? i bet you didn't. hypocrites.
and finally, "Also, former Beatle John Lennon's 1971 release "Working Class Hero" featured use of the word, which was rare in music at the time and caused it to, at most, be played only in segments on the radio."
---- remember what happened when they tried to censor the Beatles??? it made them even bigger. in memorium of John Lennon (who coincidentally was shot and killed 30 years ago to this day), fuck you, Urbanspoon. it was people just like John Lennon that changed the world by saying things that the general public didn't like to hear. and look how it turned out: the world loses a great writer/thinker/activist because of some dipshit from that very general public.
so this will probably end my little tiff with Urbanspoon because i doubt they have the balls to respond to being such stiff-necked pricks. or they might just figure that they'll be adding fuel to the fire. your move, assholes.
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